حزب مشروطه ايران
(لیبرال دموکرات)

 The Constitutionalist Party of Iran
(Liberal Democrat)
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تظاهرات در لندن به اعتراض از سخنان احمدی نژاد در بارهً اسرائیل

به پیروی از بیانیهً شاهزاده رضا پهلوی در مورد وظیفه ای که برای روشن کردن افکار بین المللی برای جدا ساختن حساب ملت صلح دوست ایران از رژیم تروریست پرور جمهوری اسلامی بر دوش ما است ، در روز 23 نوامبر 2005 ، مقابل پارلمان بریتانیا تظاهراتی بر پا شد. این گرد هم آئی توجه بسیاری از مردم را به خود جلب کرده و تظاهر کنندگان موفق شدند پیام صلح و دوستی ملت ایران را به گوش بسیاری برسانند.

Mr. Ahmadinejad’s comments on the ‘wiping out’ of Israel.

Further to the comments made by the Iranian president which has left outrage and astonishment amongst millions of people with different nationalities and religions worldwide, it is our duty to let you know that the peace loving people of Iran strongly condemn such radical, violent point of view held by the minority group who form the Islamic Republic regime in our country.

Prior to the existence of the Islamic Republic, Iran had always maintained good relations with Israel and had contributed greatly to the keeping of peace in that region. Today, not only that the radical regime is the cause and the main source of terrorism in the Middle East, but it is also a huge threat to the rest of the world. We are in no doubt that the political stability of the Middle East is highly dependable on a change of the regime towards a free and democratic Iran.

We together and alongside other opposition groups and individuals who share our passion for democracy in Iran are here today to express our disappointment and disgust for such unacceptable remarks and to seek your support in relaying the message of peace and friendship from the people of Iran to the international community and hope that by doing so it will be acknowledged that despite the puppet show election, the president of the Islamic Republic does not represent the view and the mentality of the vast majority of Iranians, in any shape or form.

تظاهرات در لندن به اعتراض از سخنان احمدی نژاد در بارهً اسرائیل
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