The Constitutionalist Party Of Iran (CPI)
Date: 06 March 2004 |
The Right Honourable Mr. Tony Blair
The Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1 |
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
We are writing to urge you to cease all political and economic cooperation with the totalitarian government in Iran. The regime in Tehran has time and again displayed its contempt for the human and democratic rights of the Iranian people. Today the force of world public opinion more than ever before has turned against the blatant violations perpetrated by the rulers of the Islamic Republic. The recent criticism by the European Union of the sham parliamentary elections held in February as a "set back for democracy" is only one example of the international disillusionment with the so called reform process in Iran and the recognition that the Islamic state is in no way representative of the people.
It is becoming increasingly clear to everyone that any democratic progress within the present political system is impossible. While the clerical government is paying lip service to democracy and the so called dialogue amongst civilizations, in reality it tramples upon the rights of its citizens and makes clandestine efforts to acquire nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.
For the past quarter of a century, the wealth of Iranian petroleum instead of helping to alleviate poverty and create a better standard of living for the Iranian people has been used to create instability in the region and finance the network of Middle Eastern terrorism. Hence to sign an agreement with the mullahs to develop the Iranian oil industry or any other agreement of cooperation is nothing short of playing into the hand of terror and tyranny.
Accordingly in the name of solidarity with the oppressed people of Iran who have been robbed of their human and democratic rights, we appeal to you to make a wise investment in global peace and international democracy by saying NO to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Haideh Tavackoli
Foreign Relations Committee |
_____________________________________________________ CPI (UK), Suite 102, 571 Finchley Road, Hapmpstead,
London, NW3 7BN, England. Tel: +44 (0) 777 9231 790, Fax: +44 20 7722 5673 www.irancpi.net Email: Haidehtavackoli@hotmail.com