دوستان عزيز برای کمک به ايرانيان پناهنده در عراق که در برابر دفتر سازمان ملل شهر اربيل در عراق دست به اعتصاب غذا زده اند لطف کنيد نامه زیر را به امضا خود به ادرس های همراه بفرستيد
با تشکر
1 - lynchc@unhcr.org
Mr.Charles Lynch
مسئول کل امور پناهندگی در کردستان عراق
2 - abdullah@unhcr.org
Mr. Hawre Abdollah
Tel : 00964 750 4455829
مسول دفتر پناهندگان سازمان ملل اربیل – عراق
3 - salihb@unhcr.org
Ms. Bayan Salih erbil
00964 750 4523501
مسول دفتر پناهندگان سازمان ملل اربیل – عراق
4 - elhajj@unhcr.org
Ms. Darine El hajj
Mob (+964 750 7922981)
Erbil -- Protection Officer
5 - maligier@unhcr.org
Mr. Nicholas Maligier
( Jordan )
For resettlement issues
مسئول اسکاندهی و نقل و انتقال پناهجویان ،
اردن/ عمان
6 - baban@unhcr.org
Ms Lana Baban Amman
Ms.Maha Kashour
For VolRep, Annalaura Sacco Jordan
Carolyn Ennis
جمعی از کارمندان سازمان ملل در مقرّ اصلی امور پناهندگان در اردن / عمان که با این پرونده در ارتباط هستند
His Excellency Antonio Guterres
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt
Dear Sir,
I would like to request your urgent attention to the situation of Mr. Mohammad Ghamari Tabassi who is a political refugee who is currently living in Iraq with his family under most difficult of circumstances.
Mr. Tabassi and his family are currently in the City of Arbil, Iraq, living in a tent and are awaiting UNHCR’s re-approval of their refugee status. For reasons that are unclear to us, UNHCR’s office refuses to renew their refugee status and is demanding that they go to the city of Suleymaniya while for the past several years Arbil’s office has been re-newing their paperwork.
I hereby submit this letter to respectfully ask you to intervene on behalf of Mr. Tabassi and do all that you can to approve their refugee status and expedite the process of their relocation to a safe country as political refugees.
Mr. Tabassi’s claim that once returned to Iran he will be faced with very severe punishment and even his life could be in grave danger is a valid one. He has been an active member of the Constitutionalist Party of Iran (Liberal Democrat) for many years and is very well known to the Islamic regime’s authorities.
I am extremely concerned for Mr. Tabassi’s as well as that of his family’s safety and well being, and would like to urgently ask you to use all means at your disposal to help him and urge UNHCR office in the city of Arbil, Iraq to reapprove their application for refugee status and immediately consider them persons of concern to the office of UNHCR.
I would like to thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Most Respectfully,
(Name of the person who sends it)